TechCrunch: Beacon Transmitter Service Ifinity Valued At $12M After Seed Round

"One of Ifinity’s biggest clients is the city of Warsaw, where beacons are being implemented in the city office, public transport, museums and galleries. The city also commissioned a pilot implementation for microlocation and navigation systems in the Center for the Disabled.

Ifinity, co-founded by Adam Jesionkiewicz and Michal Polak, provides the ability to integrate existing IT systems with its beacons, allowing for POS micropayments, real-time equipment registry, parking space management and advanced data analytics.

While implementing these beacons and creating awareness will take a lot of time and money, it certainly has many helpful use cases, particularly in helping with the disabled. Check out the video to see how it works."


Beacon Transmitter Service Ifinity Valued At $12M After Seed Round – TechCrunch
Apple’s iBeacon tech is still in its early stages, but we’re starting to see more people show interest in the idea of connecting their smartphones with real-world places and items. Ifinity, a Warsaw-based company, uses a similar type of beacon service but wants to raise its scalability …
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